In the Diocese of Thika, ADS is led by a committee of 12 members who governed the community development work at the diocesan level. It had a patron, who is the diocesan Bishop, Chairman, treasurer and the secretary. The secretary was the project coordinator oversaw projects implementation on daily basis. The committee met on quarterly basis to receive reports and make decisions and policies. The coordinator together with the team of staff implemented the project activities and the committee decisions and reported back on quarterly basis. However, the project team wrote reports on monthly basis according to the CCS Report.
Community development work in the Diocese of Thika was designed to address the social, political, economic, environmental, cultural and/or spiritual issues affecting the general community. The issues are addressed by:
- Empowering the farmers for increased food production and farm incomes.
- Empowering general community to address poverty and its impacts in their lives e.g. ill health (HIV/AIDS), food insecurity, illiteracy among others.
- Economic empowerment through training and facilitating women and youths to establish Village Savings and Loans (VSL) groups.
- Networking and collaboration with development stakeholders like the ADS works in strong partnership with relevant stakeholders in implementation of the programs for sustainability, efficiency and cost effectiveness.