Selection of facilitators
There were 13 clergy facilitators who were appointed to pilot CCMP in 13 parishes in the Diocese of Thika in 2014. Three have been dropped as a result of three parishes losing track of the process. This is a viability of 77%. The diocese has also appointed and trained 2 evangelists and 18 Christian facilitators.
Coordination of CCMP
The Diocese has appointed a clergy coordinator who is well equipped and trained to coordinate CCMP work. He works closely with the consultant attached to the Diocese through Tearfund. The coordinator is able prepare well and clear written reports & proposals as presented to the diocesan Leadership and Tearfund. He is able to use 90% of the designed monitoring and evaluation tools.
Implementation of CCMP
As articulated in the CCMP Thika Report (2017), at least 90% of Local Church Councils give full support to the CCMP process in their local churches. Leaders of at least 10 churches fully support the process. It is expected that the new leaders who came into office will be envisioned for CCMP to give more support. At least 75% of envisioned churches follow up the church vision and mission as identified. At least 9 churches out of the 13 pilot churches are of the opinion that the church under the lead of their leaders is ministering to them holistically. This is after seeing their lives changing in all aspects of their live. At least 9 churches have witnessed holistic change.
90% of the churches had felt that the church is addressing their holistic needs through the impact realized through CCMP. People now see the church as a place where all their needs are not ignored like before where it was only their spiritual needs were prioritized. As a result 80% of the churches have reported increased commitment of members to the church activities.
5 communities had experienced better and deliberate interactions between with 5 churches. This was a result of the initiatives that the churches had made in and for the community.
Monitoring and Evaluation
At least 100 monitoring and support visits have been conducted against 320 that were planned. This is 31% effectiveness against what was planned. The difference has been as a result of aborted visits where some facilitators don’t cooperate. The other reason is that the coordinator was still held by parochial work in the parish where he is the vicar in charge according to the CCMP Thika Report (2017).
Capacity building
According to the CCMP Thika Report (2017), 78 church and community resource persons (CCREPS) were to be identified and trained. This was to be done by the churches at the community entry level. However, no church had been able to reach this level because of the need to first consolidate the facilitation of the content already learnt which does not include community entry.
The coordinator has participated in at least 3 learning forums organized by Tearfund Kenya with a view to equip the CCMP coordinator.
4 Reflection and peer learning fora for facilitators and stewards were conducted on a quarterly basis. One exposure visits where 10 facilitators will be involved. The exposure visit was not conducted because it was deemed fit that individual churches organize their own exposure visits either within or outside the diocese. 5 exchange visits were done involving facilitators and leaders from four churches. Four visits were done within the diocese and three outside.
One CCMP facilitators’ workshops held where 28 facilitators were trained. The trained facilitators from the 13 pilot churches. 4 Facilitators were added to provide more back up in facilitation.