Kenya Anglican Youth Organization is in-charge of the youth ministry. It provides spiritual growth to the young people taking into consideration their socio-economic, educational and health needs. The activities of the ministry include regular youth meetings in the congregations/parishes. Some of the thematic areas covered by KAYO include healthy living, HIV and AIDS, care and guidance, youth and economic empowerment, marriage guidance, responsible behaviors and focusing their energy to productive activities. Currently, the department has enrolled 503 members. The objectives of KAYO are:
(i) Bringing young people to know and serve Christ as Savior and Lord.
(ii) Building young people in knowledge and behavior of Christian faith, the bible being the foundation.
(iii) Educating young people in good Christian character and to encourage them to be leaders in church.
(iv) Helping the church understand her responsibility towards young people.
The department has adopted mentorship programme as a tool for outreach with the aim of capturing the wealth experience from the senior youth to the younger category of young people.
The key achievements of KAYO are:
(i) The Diocese has established the youth ministry in all parishes. There are Youth Services in about 10 parishes and over 3,000 youth participate in regular activities of the ministry.
(ii) Diocesan convention (there were 500 delegated in 2014 and 550 delegates in 2015), outreach activities (such as visiting the aged, sick, orphans as well as holding door to door evangelism and open air crusades), awareness creation initiatives, and discipleship and leadership development programmes. The youth also participate in Regional and Provincial activities.
(iii) Mentorship programme and discipleship classes have been established in two parishes.
The key challenges for KAYO are:
(i) The disconnect that exists between rural and urban churches.
(ii) Migration of youth from rural to urban areas which depletes rural churches.
(iii) Low income levels of the youth deter them from actively participating in many youth activities.
(iv) Negative media influence.
(v) The influence of modernism and teachings that advocate for relativism on spiritual matters.
(vi) The dangers posed by the drugs and substance abuse.